Hospitals - 7

Staffed Beds - 1,404

Patient Admissions (FY23) - 60,713

Outpatient Visits (FY23) - 3.4 million

Telehealth Visits (FY23) - 225,000

Births (FY23) - 5,323

Emergency Department visits (FY23) - 120,486

Surgeries (FY23) - 56,040

Employees - 24,507

Physicians - 2,011

Residents and Fellows - 1,013

Nursing Staff - 4,987

Volunteers - 852 (29,063 service hrs)

Total Revenue (FY23) - $5.38 billion

Community Benefit (FY22) - $362 million

Research Centers and Institutes - 25

Active Research Studies and Clinical Trials - 2,000+

College of Medicine

  • Applications - 7,229
  • Admissions - 198

National Rankings

Updated 8/29/23

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